Experienced Criminal Defense Services In Mississippi
In Mississippi, the prospect of facing criminal charges can upset your entire life. From facing expensive fines and court fees upward of four figures to the very serious risk of imprisonment, you owe it to yourself to obtain experienced representation as quickly as possible before suffering at the hands of the justice system.
At Cynthia A. Stewart, P.A., we offer knowledgeable and aggressive representation to individuals in Jackson and across Mississippi. Attorney Cynthia A. Stewart has over two decades of criminal defense experience and three decades of legal experience. Attorney Stewart has a reputation around the state for trial success — even in cases involving the death penalty and murder charges. When we take on cases, we aim for full acquittals, regardless of the severity of the charges.
Strong, Aggressive Defense – No Matter The Charges
Attorney Stewart is admitted to practice in both state and federal court and has tried numerous cases, including those involving:
- Federal and state health care fraud
- Federal and state sex offenses
- Employment crimes
- Drug crimes
- Driving under the influence (DUI)
- White collar crimes
- Robbery
- Assault
- Serious felonies, including capital punishment crimes
When facing serious criminal charges, it’s important to have a seasoned trial lawyer on your side. Experience in the courtroom cannot be faked, and attorney Stewart leverages her two decades of experience behind the bench to assist each client. Our firm doesn’t shy away from trying cases in front of a jury, because we know what it takes to defend our clients.
Protect Your Rights. Contact Us Today.
To discuss any criminal charges, call our Madison, Mississippi, office at 601-427-9667 or use the online contact form to schedule a consultation.